Sunday, March 4, 2012

Assassins Creed 3.

I am a HUGE fan of Assassins Creed. I will explain it in another post. I love the realism, and the fact that I didn't know much about the crusades until Assassins Creed either. The AC series has come a LONG way, and it's basically taking us through history. These are the new screenshots from the upcoming game which I WILL be pre-ordering.


SQUEEK! I am super stoked for this.
As far as I know, his name is Connor, and I think his dad is an Englishman and his mother is native American, so maybe he is a descendant of Altair and Maria Thorpe (Thorpe was English) and maybe Altair and Thorpe's son or great-great-greeeeeeat grandbebehz went to England and had half Arab and half English bebehz. I'm sure that there is some linage in there somewhere.

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