Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sex Scenes With Parents

This just downright infuriates me.

So since I'm the youngest, I'm technically still considered "the baby". Whenever I do something, people automatically assume that I am incapable of achieving something myself, and they run to do it as if I have spilled something all over the counter, doing what I like to called the "oh lemme help you with that, sweetie"

So whenever possible, I try to remind them that I am over 18 and I now have the mental capacity of a young adult.

I am waiting for this new TV show on the STARZ network to premiere called "Magic City", which takes place in the late 1950's/early 60's in Miami, and it's about this hotel owner and his family, also about the changing times and his family's mob ties.

SO obviously this is gonna include a LOT of sex, right? well I had mentioned the show to my mom, because let's be honest I'm gonna watch it, she just needs to know. Well, I start telling her about the show and how stoked I am. Almost right on cue, she channel surfs and this television network is showing a preview of the first episode; which is in the middle of a woman taking her clothes off, and I'm like "great". My mom goes "is THIS what you've been watching?" and I repeat myself FFS that the show has not premiered yet and I guess this is a preview episode..

So I'm old enough to the point where these scenes don't phase me, I don't go "EWWWW" or get scared or anything like that, I just carry on a regular conversation. So the show actually gets interesting from there, but now she's gonna want to watch the show.

Theres a lot of nudity and sex in this show and I'm just waiting for the day that she tells me "UH UH YOU CAN'T WATCH THIS"

....and that's when I throw a fit, because I'm not a baby anymore. It pisses me off, and hell will be raised if there is an issue.

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