Sunday, July 29, 2012

College Orientation

So friday, I actually put my procrastinations aside and went to my college orientation. Again, it was required for all incoming freshmen because it was also our registration.

I had been having sleeping problems. I had went to bed at 10pm, and woke up in the middle of the night at 1am. So at 6:15 I left the house and continued to the long journey that would be my future college.

Since it was 6:15 in the morning and I was heading north of the city, the traffic was at a minimum. The morning was fairly calm, I signed in, went to the auditorium and sat as I waited for further instruction.

We were divided into 3 groups: Incoming freshmen, transfer students, and students 25 and over. I was stuck with the straight outta high school freshmen. The reason why I had put so much emphasis on going to school was because I needed to be around more people my age, however, since I was very sleepy during this orientation, that was not my intent this time. I was stuck with an obnoxious group of teenagers that I hadn't seen since the incoming freshmen in high school. We had to mingle and get to know each other and that's not my biggest specialty, so I just didn't do it.

The whole reason we were supposed to be there from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm, was because we were on a schedule, yet none of the professors wanted to be there until 6pm, so basically we sat there watching videos of college safety for an hour, went to "lunch" which was just cold sandwiches, came back to our group room and sat for an hour and a half, played a game, then watched another college safety video, played another game (I didn't even bother), and then it was time to register for classes. Since there have already been at least, 6 weeks worth of students who had registered before us, we kind of got the short end of the stick with the classes, so we were told to pick what we could, then change it once drop/add begins. Drop/Add is basically when the class avaliblity shifts and people start switching classes.

Since I have to work, I only have 2 classes (and those were the only one I could choose), these classes are
  • world religion: Monday, weds, fri, 9:00-9:50 am
ok, not bad, but this is what I need to change:
  • mathmatics: Weds 6:30-10pm
I kinda need classes closer together dontcha think?

Overall, it was ok I guess. There was this one guy in our group who graduated high school a year before me and was an incoming freshman, so I didn't feel too bad, because, like me, his real-life priorities got in the way of continuing his education. So there you have it, instead of 7:30-6, it was more like 7:30-4pm.


  1. Uggggghhhh...I have to go to my orientation too in two weeks as an incoming freshman. The thing is, I'm 24 year old so I'm probably going to surrounded my immature kids.

    Mine starts from around 8am to 6pm. I'll make sure to bring my DS with me lol.

    1. Edit: be surrounded by immature kids.

      I can't type!
