Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The difference between loneliness and solitude.

I used to think that there was no difference, but alas, I know for a FACT that there is a huge difference.
Loneliness and Solitude both battle it out.

I can't say for sure when it started, but I've always been the type of person who kept to themselves; I'm not really an extrovert, I'm an introvert, and it doesn't work in my favor. I mean I have a few friends (a few being 3 actual people I hang out with) but I never really find myself doing things most of the time. A lot of it being due to the fact I am annoyed with people all day at work, I just wanna come home at the end of the day and be left alone.
And that's what solitude is- finding peace in being left alone. No one to bother me, no one asking me questions, no one to impress or have to entertain, nothing. I am allowed to do whatever I want whenever I want. However, I usually find myself DOING nothing, which makes me think that I need someone to talk to.
So that's what loneliness is: not wanting to be left alone. You feel like you've got nobody. I've always had this crazy idea in the back of my mind that people didn't really want to be around me; I do come off a bit socially awkward and I try my best to avoid that at all cost, but I guess it's just so engraved in my persona that it's really who I am. Solitude is fine- up to a certain point. You see people out there having fun, enjoying their young lives while you think to yourself "what did I do to deserve this? where did I go wrong???" And it's not something you can bounce back from. People tell me all the time to just put myself out there and meet people, but because of the personality I have, it's..not that easy at all.
The difference in loneliness and solitude?
I find solitude - I end up with loneliness.

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