Friday, August 17, 2012

Quick Update.

This is a quick update of whats been going on lately.

Box Braids

After trying to figure out WTF to do with my damaged hair, I decided to just grow it back out while getting protective hairstyles. I was gonna get more chopped off, but that would've made the situation worse, then I decided to get a weave, but it would either look cheap or I couldn't put it in a bun, so I was either going to get micro or tree braids, which would've taken my entire hairline out. After much self-convincing and browsing on Google, I decided to get box braids because they were different. At first I thought they were ugly and too reminiscent of Janet Jackson's hair in Poetic Justice, but once I got them I got SOOO many more complements on my hair than before, and I think they are just tres belle ^ ^!


...Is pissing me off. School starts August 20th and I was almost prepared until they caught on to my 'I'll just take 2 classes since I have to work and everything will be ok!" scheme, because now I have to take 4 in order for my financial aid to fall through.


and not just retail, a major retail chain that is very popular. When it's not the customers that hate me, it's upper management being dickheads and not having faith in me, and before today we were shortstaffed, but our manager has managed to hire 3 more people so horrah.


It seems like whenever I'm stressed out that's when I get hurt. On Tuesday I was walking into my job half asleep when I closed my car door on my thumb, and not just slammed my door on it, it closed and latched on my finger! I quickly examined my thumb and saw the blood rushing out of my finger all over both hands. Fortunately for me, I work next to a clinic, so I quickly rushed inside to get bandaged up, then get seen by the doctor, because I was in so much pain that I needed to make sure everything was ok (and to see if I needed to get any meds). So he decided to work on it. I received several Novocaine shots just to numb the pain as he drained the blood from under my fingernail which I cracked sideways BTW, and afterwards I couldn't work for 2 days because of the thumb pain and I cant really do much with my right hand. Now I know how it must have felt to be amputated in the 19th century with no anesthesia or anything.


Because of my off the wall stress level, I need a hobby or at least a creative outlet to keep my mind occupied, so I have decided to re-install the sims 2 and have decided to make stories out of them. They will be uploaded onto my other blog that I made especially for these sims 2 stories called Pointless Stories

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