Monday, April 30, 2012

The New Waves

For a while I have had a strange infatuation with New Wave, shoegaze, and post-punk music. It's always been somewhat pleasing to my ears. Every time I listen to it, I picture a music video on the early days of MTV, where there is dark lighting, and a man with really wild and colorful hair wearing over-the-top makeup, and sometimes you can't tell if the person singing (by voice or appearance) is a male or female.

To distinguish different types of music genres from each other, I normally close my eyes and see what I can visualize.

New Wave

Normally pretty upbeat; Easy to dance to, Use of synthesizers and/or guitars make a quirky melody. Song lyrics are mostly symbolic for something else, like love, revenge, politics, etc.

Musicians: Bow wow wow, The B-52's, culture club, The talking heads, New Young Pony Club, Foster The People.


Also pretty upbeat, mainly use guitars, lyrics are usually based on love and they even title their songs after the people they're in love with, most of the songs are of darker nature than New Wave, sounding like something you'd hear on Halloween. The basic foundation to goth music, and not those emo losers, either; straight up Gothic people with pale skin, cross and crucifix accessories and extremely teased hair.The kind of music Edgar Allen Poe would love.

Musicians: A Place To Bury Strangers, Siouxie and the Banshees, Joy Division, The Cure, bauhau5, some songs by Metric.


More mellow. Can be described as new wave and post-punk combined. The songs contain like, 50 guitars all on a different key, but come together to make one sound (kind of like a modern opera), The lyrics are ambient, usually talking about nature and feelings, very thereputic, best listened to when looking at a sunrise, a snowfall, the sea, or a nice rainy day (or when listening to Tamaryn, a sunset or the desert)

Musicians: The Daysleepers, Apollo Heights, Tamaryn, The Radio Dept, M83..

Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Top 5 Most Underrated and Overrated Movies

These are in my opinion from what I've see the top 5 most underrated and overrated movies..(no particular order)


1.) Cyrus

 This movie is really good. It's just real in the fact that there's not much background music or film score. Its about a miserable, divorced man who meets a woman with a 20-something year old son, with whom she shares a "mommy's boy" relationship with. Cyrus (played by Jonah Hill) is overprotective of his mom in a way that a mom German Shepard is protective of her puppies.

2.) The Wackness

 I think this movie is mad dope, yo. Set in the summer of '94 in NYC, it's about this kid who just graduated from high school, yo, and he's trying find his place in the world over the summer, even if it is just with his pothead therapist, his stepdaughter, and all the other crazy fools, yo. Oh yeah, it's got a bangin' ass soundtrack too, yo, and they say the word "yo" a lot, yo.

3.) Whip it

 Ellen Page does a really good job at playing the alternative teenager, but I gotta say I like this movie more than Juno. It's about this teen who really has nothing better to do, and is not good at anything, so she tries out for roller derby, eventually becoming one of the best at it. And she's trying to hid the hobby from her extremely moralistic mother. Also she meets a band member, and the best part of the movie is the fact that Drew Barrymore is in it as a young roller derby girl and the main girl doesn't get the guy in the end! Yay! misery loves company!!

4.) Date Night

 This movie is hilarious in all sorts of ways. Steve Carell and Tina Fey are awesome in this movie because they're both funny, so the natural chemistry is just awesome. Plus the plot about a date night gone wrong and how many things can happen throughout the night is good too, since everything is so unexpected, seeing Steve and Tina's reaction to everything is HILARIOUS!
5.) Marie Antoinette

This is one of my favorite movies of all time, mainly because of the colors, the deserts, and the fact that it's so cross genre; normally in a historical movie they try to be more authentic. Not in this one, instead of the normal baroque music of the time being used as the film score, this film uses post-punk and new wave during significant moments in the movie. Sneaking out to a French masquerade ball where everyone's dancing to Siouxie and the Banshees?! Sofia Coppola, you are a badass for this one.

Bonus***Georgia Rule

Just because it was made during Lindsay Lohan's decline doesn't mean it wasn't good! The movie was really good if you could follow the storyline; a lot of broken hearts, family secrets coming to air and...

Lookie who we have here..
 Garrett Hedlund Pre-Flynn!!! ^ ^


1.) Titanic

I'm sorry, but all this hype about the Titanic is more obnoxious than the British royal wedding hooplah. I'm not one for love stories anyway, but seriously? The ending was kind of expected knowing that even the owner and wife of Macy's died during the events of the Titanic. Tragedy? yes, but it was very sappy.
2.) Twilight Series

I tried to watch this movie when it first came out and the thing about it, is that it's so BORING. And that Cullen kid is not even hot. Robert Pattinson is good looking, but they have so much cake-up on him that he looks like someone that should be on Intervention instead. Plus whats with all of the fucking loud breathing and Bella being miserable. Also, why is Jacob still chasing after her? I hate it when guys don't get the message.

3.) Eat, Pray, Love

So the next time I need to change my life I'm just gonna hop a plane and travel the world, is that the point, then?

4.) Any Star Wars Movie

I apologize to my fellow nerds, but no. This movie is so confusing; it's like having a dictionary that posts the alphabet like this: MLPNKOBJIVHUCGYXFTZDRZSRWAQ. 

5.) Any movie about a superhero that was created for comic books in the 40's

....I rest my case.

But I am STILL campaining for that Aquaman movie. He doesn't have to be underwater ALL the time!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Style Evolution.

I think it's weird how my style had evolved because of a certain events throughout my life, like moving, getting older, etc. I think it would only be appropriate to share them on this bliary (blog/diary, get it? haha) and that way whenever I organize my closet I can finally answer the questions "what the smurf was I thinking when I bought THAT?"

Unfortunately, I do not have any pics of myself showing these styles anymore. Why? because during a temper tantrum (will explain later) a few years ago, I had deleted my myspace page, which contained most of these photos. It was around the time myspace was dying off, anyway. So I'll just use pics from elsewhere.

In the beginning, there was frumpy. 2004-mid 2006

When I had entered middle school, around 2003/04, I had just started picking out my own clothes and my mom stopped buying clothes for me. Back then everyone at school was doing that whole preppy southern thing. I had just moved to a small town and my school had a specific dress code: collared shirts, tucked in with a belt. The only store to shop at for these shirts were rave, aeropostale, abercrombie, American eagle..

My look consisted of a polo shirt, flared jeans, and birkenstocks a.k.a "potato shoes" which I still own today.
  This is the only pic I could find that does the look justice.

Hip-hop. Mid 2006-Early 2007

When I had entered high school, I had decided that I wanted to not fit in anymore, and dress like everyone else, but not just like everyone else, I wanted to be stereotypically black. Back then hip hop fashion was a little different than it is today..

The whole cropped hoodie, fitted hat and air forces was the thing for southern, black, teenage females back then.

Ghetto Fabulous: Mid 2007- January 2008

Around this time, I was still engrossed in the hip-hop look, but not only did I want to be hip hop, I wanted to appear attractive LOL. I was obsessed with name brand clothing I had no money for. I also got my first haircut around this time.

80's glam: January 2008 - May 2008

I had moved back to my hometown and this is how everyone was dressing, so by law of the teenager I had to do it too, but I had to one up everyone.

I was gonna wear this to the "Glow in the dark tour"
Electro/Nu Raver: May 2008 -  July 2008

This one is pretty interesting because it's the first style that comes from prolonged isolation. School had just ended and I had no one to spend the summer with and nothing to do, so all I could do was find new music on myspace (Jeffery Starr, Millionaires., Ultraviolet Sound) and at this point I had taken my Japanese obsession to a new high. I had also dyed my hair cherry red.
Yes, I DID attempt to dress like this.

 80's hip hop: July 2008 - November 2008

When it was time to start Junior year at high school, I had gotten my hair cut again and I had a fresh new wardrobe. I had also taken an interest in old school hip hop and hipster rap (see: The Cool Kids, Kidz N The Hall)

EMO: November 2008 - March 2009

Why yes I did.

It had occured to me that I was angry. Yes, I was very disappointed in my teenage life. At the time, I had friends, but my love life was nonexistant. This was around the time of my first heartbreak. So I turned weird, and emo. I had already had traces of Emo in me, after being fond of black and white, and I had bought my first pair of chucks earlier that year.

I had also gone through this weird cybergoth phase as well.

Boy I was really angsty, wasn't I?! (Sarcasm)
Now, I had really done a complete flip with this one. I had deleted most of the hip hop songs off of my ipod and replaced them with either indie rock or house and techno. I haven't had a playlist full of hip hop since.
 This was also the first time that I stopped caring about what other people thought I should look like, and what I wanted to look like, I started shopping at the store formerly known as Hot Topic, and I started watching videos on Tamara Menocidekunt 's channel.

Grunge: March 2009 - Early May 2009

I had gotten more angsty by this point. Why? It was spring break and I realized that I had no one to spend it with. So one night I was just listening to songs of Nirvana and became an instant fan.

 But then a thought made it worse: the 90's were super cool, I was a kid with no worries. I became extremely nostalgic and went overboard with the grunge look, my only imitation of the grunge look being wake up - brush teeth - change pants. Done.

Skater: Mid May 2009 - whenever

I had realize that the same stores that were selling my grunge look were selling skater clothing. I had started listening to rock earlier in the year, but then I realized I kinda missed hip hop, so I made the transition a little easier by listening to Kid Cudi, N.E.R.D, etc.

Im gonna go ahead and stop here. Why? because afterwards my style had become a hybrid of everything that I had found that I was into at the time. I really did go through phases when I was younger, and it was strange, but some of these phases last to this very day. I don't have just ONE style anymore, I have lots of styles, and most of them depend on the type of mood that I'm in; when I'm happy, I dress bright, when I'm upset, I dress slightly darker.

I thought it was kind of interesting to look back on how I used to dress. Needless to say, I looked fucking stupid: I walked around really thinking I was Emo or Grunge and hardcore when really I was just a kid trying something new - trying to stand out. So everyone, clean out your closets, re-visit your old Myspace and Xanga accounts, stare closely at your old self, because it will make you like your new self a WHOLE lot better.

The Mecca Of Crazy Dreams: Like, Totally Awesome.

I don't know what's going on in this little idiot brain of mine.

Last night I had a dream, I don't know how it began, but me and a few other people I know (or knew) in real life ended up getting zapped back into the 80's.

We were all wearing 80's clothes and hairstyles according to our personality. My hair was still short, of course, and I had some sort of weird outfit deal going on. My look was similar to this one:
So we were all on a bus going somewhere, and I, for some reason, told the people who time traveled with me, that since we knew all of the futuristic lingo, we'd be popular like that (snaps fingers). As I kept talking, I was saying lots of lively things and everyone on the bus was cracking up and I was the center of attention.

I'm really not too sure what this dream is supposed to represent.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Renaissance Fair 2012

So as a part of my bucket-and-fuck-it list, I went to the renaissance fair today and accomplished 3 things I've wanted to do before I die.

I am still sick, so I woke up this morning at like, 4am to take my temperature, and it was 99.1 degrees..thats normal, right? Well I contemplated not going because I felt terrible and I have to work tomorrow. My mom asked me if I was going to go because she saw how sick I was, and I believe I actually told her that I was going to stay here, but I ended up changing my mind because every time we say "oh we're gonna do this, oh we're gonna do that" we never end up doing it, and I had hyped myself up for this by saving my money and looking forward to wearing my Assassins Creed shirt.

So we went, and I slept the entire way, including throughout parking, which was very tedious because there were SO MANY CARS.

Once we parked we had to walk a ways away to the actual fair, which was nicely located inside a forest so there was loads of shade. It was really cute, once inside we were all greeted by a gargoyle and her gargoyle friend

So the fair was really cute, I thought there were gonna be more people talking in Shakespearean, but lots of people just broke character, when I was looking at some cool striped socks this one lady said they were thigh highs and she wears em' with her booty shorts. RIGHT.

There were a lot of cool shops too, selling medieval themed clothing. I had no use for any of this stuff, I mean, I'm already a loser I don't need anymore confirmation that I am a weirdo. Most of the shops were just selling the same merchandise, which included fake weapons, clothing, jewelry, herbs and spices, etc.

There were a lot of characters there, some of them fit in perfectly, some of them were waaaaaaayyyy out of left field. The closest I came to dressing up was wearing my Assassins Creed shirt, (which IS relevant to the renaissance fair, it just is, don't question me) and ended up getting a weird look from the guy dressed as a templar knight. But somehow I feel as if I should have worn a Skyrim or a Shrek shirt instead.

There were a lot of good looking guys there; some were working there, some were just visiting there, but the ones that were working there were unbelievably hot, like the guy helping me with my archery skills (ok so he was a bit of a butthole and he seemed like he didn't want to be there) but the rest were cool. 

Here's the thing, I don't really have any friends, so I'm pretty much stuck with my family every where I go, and they are so boring that it's ridiculous. The only thing they did consisted of stopping in herb stores, looking at the ugly jewelry, and pointing everything,

While the fam gets their mug of beer, I managed to wander off (and get lost) to catch a jousting battle.

The red jouster's name was really hard to pronounce (and remember) lets just call him Garfunkle. Garfunkle had the crowd roaring. People cheered loudly for him like they knew him from last year or something.

The blue jouster, on the other hand, I don't remember his name either, it was something like Sidarthur or whatever, and he was fit as hell, where are they FINDING these guys??? Unfortunately I didn't get any pics of him because my feet were roasting in my shoes and I was kinda concerned, but I DID get this video of him:

So I had lost my family, and my mom was like "you should've just stayed with us" and by that point I was so annoyed I just explained to her that if I had stayed with them I wouldn't have had any fun.

Overall by the end of the fair I started to feel sick, so I was ready to go, but I DID enjoy myself. The guys were hot, the people were friendly, and at the end I finally heard some people stay in character: "showing me your fanny? twas not an insult!" but the only thing is they were only doing it when they were around other vendors and not regular people (???) But it was pretty cool, I'm just not going back to another festival until I have some fun people to go with. But..

  • I took some cool pics
  • I bought a souvenir
  • I shot with a bow and arrow
  • I wore my assassins creed shirt
  • I saw a jousting
  • I went to the renaissance fair..
Mission accomplished ^ ^

Thursday, April 12, 2012

One Up On You Bitches: Assassins Creed Fangirl

So as everyone knows (but not to a well enough extent) I am a superfan of assassins creed. Well, Yesterday I pre-ordered Assassins Creed 3, so I got my copy on hold already!!! YAY and then I'm gonna ask them if they want their poster.

Then on sunday I also ordered an assassins creed t-shirt from hot topic. They didn't have any smalls left, so I ended up getting an extra small. Plus the timing couldn't be perfect because shipping is free this week. Today it arrived! and it fits perfectly.

This is what it looks like:

I am also stoked because I am going to the Renaissance Fair this saturday, and I was hoping it would come in time so I could wear it..and it came today. I figured I'd wear it with a pair of white shorts (Sammie Sweetheart said that you always gotta have the white shorts, every girl needs a pair of white shorts) and my black slip-on shoes with my ray-ban shades that I got from the dollar tree.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Today as a token of my gratitude for the good stuff lately, I decided to go to church for easter sunday. Mind you, less than a year ago I was calling myself an atheist, but I'm trying to change, because back then my life was pretty shitty, and I HAVE seen proof of several blessings..happening to other people.

So I was mostly stoked about breakfast and my outfit: my outfit was a black bodycon skirt that I got from rainbow for $6, then a white tank, while covered up under my grandma's old hot pink blazer, I looked totally rad.

Being catholic, our sermons only last for an hour, however, since the last time I went to an Easter sermon I was 7, I really didn't know what I was doing. Trying to find the pages to the psalms and the hyms was really awkward to the point where the solo lady sitting next to me had to help me, but once I got everything down packed my mom tried to help me by pointing out where we were (even though by then I was already in the middle of the paragraph)

I will admit, even though I didn't know what I was doing, I enjoyed my Easter.

Fashion Inspiration: Material Girl

This one is something that I find myself slowly coming into, and it's sort of an 80's revival. The reason why I am doing this one is because it is the cheapest out of all the clothes that I have in my closet, if I want to achieve this look, it would be very helpful on my pocket.

Now for a little off-topic rant: I remember when people were trying to do the 80's back in 2008, and I was one of them. I remember EVERYONE was trying to do it, rap was trying to do it, R&B was trying to do it, POP was trying to do it, it was cool then, but it got really ghetto because people threw on a bunch of bright clothes, did some poses and called it an '80's photo shoot'.

 Not 80's: New Rave

Not 80's: The left image is more like "HAYYYYYY" and the one on the right is "where's my stylist?
Not 80's: looks like an updated look of the munchkins from The Wiz
It was interesting when I was trying to find the pictures for this collage because a lot of pics were of people imitating 80's hiphop and that's mos def what I'm trying not to do, see MY style is a lot different; my 80's style only incorporates elements that people aren't willing to bring back, let alone acknowledge the fact that it is, in fact, a trend from the 80's. Since most people (meaning most my age) were born in the 90's and arent aware of 80's wear, what I wear appears stylish and different, which is what I aim for. Alas, here I post my collage of MY 80's style.

  • The songs that I use for this style are the same ones I posted during new wave week, which inspired me to make this collage, also a few extra ones:

    • Must Be The Feeling by Nero
    • I Know I'll See You by A Place To Bury Strangers
    • Make Up by Vanity 6


I am actually getting better now.

But earlier this week was utter torture. At my morning job I actually was trying to hide the fact that I was sick because I didn't want Linda saying anything to me about being sick around the kids, but she didn't mind, and the next thing I knew I was asleep in her tv room.

I had to call out sick on thursday and come in late on friday, which shortened my hours horrifically,  but I am getting better now, and I have a day off both jobs on Monday.

Fashion Inspiration: Retroville

Since the premiere of the show "Magic City" on showtime, I seem to be obsessed with the glamorous fashion of the 50's. It was just so classy and sexy without coming off as trashy. Before,I saw the 50's as boring 'squaresville' where everyone lived in their perfect picket fence houses and the housewives makes the husbands dinner and everyone said "gee whiz"..but it was really badass!


  • Video Games by Lana Del Rey
  • Born To Die by Lana Del Rey
  • Black/White by The Raveonettes
  • Boyfriend by Best Coast
  • Unchain My Heart by Ray Charles

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sex Scenes With Parents

This just downright infuriates me.

So since I'm the youngest, I'm technically still considered "the baby". Whenever I do something, people automatically assume that I am incapable of achieving something myself, and they run to do it as if I have spilled something all over the counter, doing what I like to called the "oh lemme help you with that, sweetie"

So whenever possible, I try to remind them that I am over 18 and I now have the mental capacity of a young adult.

I am waiting for this new TV show on the STARZ network to premiere called "Magic City", which takes place in the late 1950's/early 60's in Miami, and it's about this hotel owner and his family, also about the changing times and his family's mob ties.

SO obviously this is gonna include a LOT of sex, right? well I had mentioned the show to my mom, because let's be honest I'm gonna watch it, she just needs to know. Well, I start telling her about the show and how stoked I am. Almost right on cue, she channel surfs and this television network is showing a preview of the first episode; which is in the middle of a woman taking her clothes off, and I'm like "great". My mom goes "is THIS what you've been watching?" and I repeat myself FFS that the show has not premiered yet and I guess this is a preview episode..

So I'm old enough to the point where these scenes don't phase me, I don't go "EWWWW" or get scared or anything like that, I just carry on a regular conversation. So the show actually gets interesting from there, but now she's gonna want to watch the show.

Theres a lot of nudity and sex in this show and I'm just waiting for the day that she tells me "UH UH YOU CAN'T WATCH THIS"

....and that's when I throw a fit, because I'm not a baby anymore. It pisses me off, and hell will be raised if there is an issue.

90's Progressive House Week: Too Tired To Care

Right, so after working 2 jobs and really just wanting to go to sleep when I get home, I didn't feel like doing any more house songs and I kinda just wanted to post things on my own time. So here's my last song.

Monday, April 2, 2012

90's House Of The Day: 100% Pure Love

Today's song is another song by Crystal Waters, it's called "100% pure love"


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sick Sick Sick

I've been sick for going on 2 weeks now, and I don't even know if I got it at work or it evolved from pollencalypse 2012, but it's not showing signs of getting better, it's just getting WORSE.

At first it was a test to my ego; I have this mindstate when it comes to sickness and allergies, when someone constantly takes medicine and complains about "oh my sinuses are KILLING ME" I always hear my inner posh kid saying "mhhahaha it never happens to me" but alas, it does.

At first it was just nose running, then my eyes started to burn. I would take allergy medicine and expect it to be over, but this was just the beginning. I also started to sneeze constantly.

Pretty soon, the eye burning started to go away, but then I started to cough. Once I started to cough it was obvious that this was not allergies, oh no sir, this was your common cold. So after spending my hard earned cash on several types of medication, I am at a loss; now I have a very irritated throat. The worst part is that now I also work at a daycare center, and walking around with a SARS mask is not a good look for me, especially around 4 year olds who are probably having nightmares about the dentist at this point. No bueno.

90's Progressive House Week

This begins progressive house week. This type of house music was popular in the 90's with the rise of the rave scene. However, I wont be playing funky house music from just the 90's.

This first song to start off the week is "Gypsy Woman (She's homeless)" by Crystal Waters.

NewWave Song Of Yesterday: Our Lips Are Sealed

I forgot to send off New Wave Week!!!!

But I am really feeling this one. This is the last song of the week, "Our Lips Are Sealed" by The Gogos.