Thursday, January 17, 2013


It is the peak of flu season and Georgia's weather doesn't make it any better. Remember that part about being winter? well this past week the temperatures fluctuated between 70 degrees back down to 50 degrees, making everyone confused about what to wear when going out.

Including me! YAY!

Here is the problem. In Atlanta it has been raining for 2 weeks nonstop and I am considering building an ark OR writing some grunge music. Either way I forgot what sunny days look like.

That's better.

All jokes aside, I am usually that first or last one to get sick, so in this case I didn't think it would happen to me, because I have this weird ego problem where I believe I am immune to all diseases. At the beginning of last week I was used to the temperatures being 30 degrees or below, so I walked around wearing my pink trench coat...when I realize the temperatures have jumped up and every one is walking around in jackets. So then I started walking around in just jackets and cardigans. Whilst walking around in jackets and cardigans I also failed to remember that my job keeps the AC on all year long and I had washed my hair the night before. Fast forward a day or so, it rains and the temperature goes back down. At this point I'm thinking I have superpowers because I am well while everyone is sick. Here is how I best describe my ego at this point:

Psshh. Yeah right. I knew that NyQuil I just so happened to 'stumble' upon was a sign from the Gods, because now I am sick and it feels bad, luckily I don't have a fever (knock on wood) but still, this flu thing is most likely gonna last for a while. Hopefully it doesn't turn out like this:

Don't judge my twisted sense of humor.

Wash yer hands, Kiddies!

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