Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2012?

Ok, by a show of hands, who all is excited for the new year!!!? ok, by a show of hands, who is glad 2012 is over? . What is going on here? Did the world really shit on everyone last year? Everyone I run into says that '12 was not the best year for them and they aren't looking forward to 2013. At first I was ready, I had all these plans and goals, but I'm going through a bad love experience right now that makes me want to just say "eff it". But seriously, what happened, people?

1 comment:

  1. Oh...2012 shat on me quite hard.

    I think what happened was that we're actually growing up, doing grown up things, and adult life ain't so easy. (Sigh)

    Oh well, happy new years!
